Welcome. I'm a person who likes math, computers, and many other things. I am from New Jersey (in the United States).
I went to college for math and computer science at RPI I am interested in exploring a wide range of topics and solving challenging problems. I am most interested in math, algorithms, and high performance computing.
I am always looking for more interesting things to do. If you have interesting ideas for a math or programming project, comments about this website, or professional/work/research opportunities, please see the contact section.

Professional Experience
- M.S. in Applied Mathematics from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (Aug 2022 – May 2023)
- B.S. in Computer Science and Mathematics from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (Aug 2017 – May 2022)
- Graduate Research Assistant at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (May 2022 – May 2023)
- Contributed to Submitty, mainly the back end.
- Undergraduate Teaching Assistant at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (Aug 2018 – May 2022)
- Graded assignments and tutored during office hours for Discrete Math and Programming Languages classes.
- Undergraduate Research Assistant at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (Jan 2020 – Aug 2020)
- Explored tools for natural language processing and analyzed datasets from Reddit and Twitter.
- Worked with a professor and Ph.D. students in the LACAI Lab.
Have a question? Look at my FAQ page first, otherwise I'm happy to respond on any of the platforms listed below.Contact
Email: tkoz@tkoz.me
Please try to keep messages clear and concise. I get a lot of email
and I would like to be able to respond to everything.
Discord: tkoz (formerly TKoz#9039).
Feel free to send me a message or friend request.
This is the platform I will respond the fastest on.
Reddit: u/tkoz0 (open to chats or direct messages)
LinkedIn: in/kozlot (for professional inquiries only please)
GPG Keys: Here are my public rsa and curve25519 keys. Curve25519 is preferred.
If you like my work and want to support me, here is my Paypal link.
Page last updated: 2024-05-25